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15 simple, easy-to-use Marketing Techniques show you where to go to sell your product or service!
Author: Julia L. Wilkinson
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Authors share most effective book marketing methods, with hard data.
Author: Korey McMahon
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At its core, this is a book about the American Dream...
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Learn how to become your company’s number one dealmaker!
Author: Geoffrey E. Meredith & Charles D. Schewe, Ph.D., with Janice Karlovich
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How to market to people of different age groups using shared experiences.
Author: Andy Cole
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Diamond Method Advanced Selling Skills has helped 1000's to success
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The communication and marketing strategies in "DISC: Leverage Your Nature, Increase Your Sales" will help you be prepared for any sales meeting regardless of your audience!
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Learn step-by-step to write press releases that get published.
Author: Jim Novo
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Explains why marketing using customer data works, and provides step by step method to design action-oriented promotions: Why, Who, When, and How to promote.
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DUH! MARKETING is a humorous jaunt through the marketing jungle.
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Camera Shy? Turn your Business Videos from Zero to Hero
Author: Kelton Drew Earl
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FBI teaches advanced leadership principles for direct sales and MLM
Author: John Spencer, Jr.
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Part 1 is a memoir and features the launch stories of leading selling GLIDE® Floss and ELIXIR® Guitar Strings. Part 2 is a fresh look at critical lessons learned in launching products to improve the likelihood of success.
Author: Richard Plinke
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Like nothing else you've ever read about sales.
Author: Seth Coyne
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In Generous Wealth: How To Make More Money By Giving It Away And By Helping Others, Seth Coyne includes real world examples of strategies that can help your business establish a reputation as a generous, helpful company that deserves the loyalty of its customers.
Author: Bobette Kyle
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Learn to incorporate the Web into your marketing strategies.
Author: Nicole M. Clary
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How To Create A Marketing Plan In 7 Steps reveals the tools used by advertising agency professionals when creating marketing plans for their clients. This e-book will help you work smarter, not harder, significantly increase your sales, provide you with techniques to make the best decisions on where to advertise,maximize the use of your marketing dollars, and allow you to place your advertising where and when it will get results.
Author: Dan O'Day
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Improve your callback rate by leaving irresistible voice mail messages!
Author: stephen hughes
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This interactive e-Workbook will lead the owner of any home-based business through a detailed review of his/her business, in order to improve its performance.
Author: stephen hughes
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This unique Workbook will lead you through the sequence of producing your own dynamic Marketing Plan through questions and answers, comment, practical advice, and helpful suggestions.
Author: Bob Baker
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Ignite Your Creative Passion, by creativity coach Bob Baker, gives you 104 insights and ideas to help you prosper as a musician, artist, writer, actor and more. Jam-packed with loads of inspiration and low-cost marketing ideas. Make the most of your talents ... starting today!
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A straight-forward perspective into an important and changing industry.
Author: Scott Marker
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Topics include sales, selling, closing, prospecting, retention, sales strategies, and sales process.
Author: Linda F. Radke
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Linda F. Radke’s Promote Like a Pro: Small Budget, Big Show gives small-press publishers a guide on how to market their books — without breaking the bank!
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Practical Small Business Marketing Advice, Tips, Examples, Mistakes, and Cautions
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Business Development Solutions for Design, Consulting, and Construction Professionals
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Author: Richard Plinke
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Laugh-out-loud adventures in the wild and wacky world of sales.
Author: George A. Kozlowski
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A text on salesmanship in becoming a professional salesman.
Author: Donalyn Leskosek Spisak
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Pages: 110
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Preparation for pharmaceutical sales is required to get the job!
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