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From Dental Floss To Guitar Strings: Successful Grassroots Product Launches by John Spencer, Jr.

From Dental Floss To Guitar Strings: Successful Grassroots Product Launches

by John Spencer, Jr.

274 pages
Part 1 is a memoir and features the launch stories of leading selling GLIDEŽ Floss and ELIXIRŽ Guitar Strings. Part 2 is a fresh look at critical lessons learned in launching products to improve the likelihood of success.

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Category: Business:Marketing:Product Launches
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About the Book

Part 1 is a memoir and features the author's stories of leading the successful launch of GLIDEŽ Floss and ELIXIRŽ Guitar Strings.

Part 2 is a fresh look at critical lessons learned in launching products. Lessons include framing the product value statement, creating a strategic plan, determining the right price, high-impact grassroots marketing, leadership and teams, and understanding the important numbers.


"John is an exceptionally innovative product manager. The lessons in this book will greatly improve the likelihood of start-up success.”
- David Johns, Intellectual Property Attorney



About the Author
John Spencer, Jr. John is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and the University of Maryland School of Law.

John led the launch of GLIDE Floss and ELIXIR Strings at Gore. At Eaton, John managed Industrial Sector Business Development and he also served as Vice President and Chief Counsel, Global Contracts.



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