Linda F. Radke's Promote Like a Pro: Small Budget, Big Show
by Linda F. Radke
205 pages
Linda F. Radke’s Promote Like a Pro: Small Budget, Big Show gives small-press publishers a guide on how to market their books — without breaking the bank!
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About the Book
Publishing your own book is exciting, but few small-press publishers consider the marketing challenges that lie ahead. How can an unknown author establish the credibility to actually sell books? Linda F. Radke’s Promote Like a Pro: Small Budget, Big Show gives self-publishers a step-by-step guide on how to get the word out about their projects — without breaking the bank! Radke, a successful publisher and book marketer, shares expertise gained from 22 years in the business and was recently named Book Marketer of the Year by Book Publicists of Southern California. She even taps insiders for their tips on how to use the print and broadcast media, the Internet, public speaking and other tools to sell books.
About the Author |
Linda Radke is the author of numerous books, including Promote Like a Pro: Small Budget, Big Show and The Economical Guide to Self-Publishing
. She has been helping folks produce, promote and market books since 1985.Linda was recently named Book Marketer of the Year by Book Publicists of Southern California. |