Marketing For Results--A Practical Toolkit for Small Businesses and Professional Advisors
by Janet C. Arrowood
120 pages
Practical Small Business Marketing Advice, Tips, Examples, Mistakes, and Cautions
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Category: Business:Marketing
About the Book
For Results is a practical book with real world applications,
ideas, and examples. It is an ideal "toolkit" for small businesses
and their owners and for professional advisors--legal, insurance,
financial services, accounting, engineering, architectural, writers,
and others.
The main focus of the book is how to build a marketing plan and
approach that fit your business and your budget. Expensive tactics
such as Yellow Pages advertising are not covered; practical things
like writing articles, networking, getting "free" publicity, incorporating
social events, and writing a living marketing plan are covered in
Some of the less-than-conventional topics included in "Marketing
For Results" are networking through "leads groups," Chambers of
Commerce, professional service organizations (such as Lions Clubs
and Rotary), promoting your business and services through writing
for professional, trade, and other publications, and so forth.
One of the biggest mistakes small businesses and professional advisors
make is "talking up" their business and services in jargon, "terms
of art," or industry slang, and then wondering why no one refers
them business. This book helps you see what you are doing (or not
doing) and take the next steps to grow your business.
If you want to take your business to the next level and aren't sure
how to proceed, or if you need a practical support system to develop
a marketing approach that works, this is the book for you.
About the Author |
The author is a regular contributor to several financial and legal publications. She is also the author of The Professional Advisor's Insurance Desk Reference [Colorado Bar Association CLE] and Long Term, Medicare, and Medicaid--What You Should Know [Bradford Publishing]. Finally, she is a successful small business owner herself. |