Author: Angela Chaney
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Pages: 286
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A novel of friendship and romance.
Author: R. M. Gibson
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Pages: 330
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For Erich Mauer, changes abound. There are financial uncertainties and a caring affair eventually comes to an end. In time, Erich leaves New York, moves to the Northeast and launches a promising new career. It’s there that he also meets a charming young woman, so both his professional future and personal hopes show promise.
Author: Michael Zielinski
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Pages: 370
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Affairs of the heart can toggle back and forth when entangled in a sticky web of competing and compelling circumstances.
Author: R. M. Gibson
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Pages: 420
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A single father juggles romance with family and career problems.
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Five sweet to sensual romance stories from five talented authors.
Author: Cynthia Ripley Miller
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Pages: 270
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A Roman senator’s daughter and her husband embark on a mission for the emperor. They’ll deliver the sword of King David of Israel that legend claims carries a curse to Jerusalem. At every turn, they are faced with challenges—and a brutal killer.
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Bookseller Aggie receives a death threat. Ian hires a bodyguard.
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Author: Benito R. Heyliger
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Pages: 120
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This is an excellent erotic romance novel, on two individuals who encounter conflict, as well has different opinion in making a wise revolution on the issues among both of them. Hurry get a copy, you will enjoy reading it.
Author: Jessica Terry
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Tarin and Jerome are both jaded on love. She believes relationships never last. He believes someone always cheats. Can they be each other's exception?
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Marge’s friends want to fix her up romantically. How about gorgeous Gunner? The teacher Mr. Gaunt? Someone else? Cricket has a surprise. Love and disappointment come in many forms. Kindly Mrs. Dorkley next door feeds strays and provides stability for Dory when his world collapses. Baby’s deli provides coffee, doughnuts and dream interpretation.
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Pages: 230
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A mix of romance, mayhem, murder and a runaway dog.
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Author: Molly Arnold Bachman
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Chapter 6: Is an attraction beginning between Amy and Jeff? Chapter 11: A heavenly gardener rescues Amy with SEEDS!
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Big Apple or Big Sky; which is it to be? The two places couldn't be more different, but both pull strongly on emotions and future plans. Are there reasonable compromises that can be made, or is the pull too strong to resist?
Title: Catfished
Author: Jackie Adams
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Pages: 352
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Come join the Rom-Com adventure of Denise and Rowan, who meet in a chatroom using each other’s best friends’ photographs. Will they meet and how?
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A young woman’s philosophical Journey leads to Paris.
Author: James Seymour
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Pages: 250
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An aging actor is confronted with his past when a masked stranger holds him hostage. During the novel - a mystery and a romance - two men begin to understand how one must live with the truth, rather than embrace impossible dreams.
Author: James B. Flaherty
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Pages: 454
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The title says it all: CLARE: WIFE, MOTHER, MISTRESS...MURDERER? Clare O'Brady Glickman had it all: Beauty, brains, money, moxie. Men adored her and wished they could have her; Women admired her and wished they could hate her. She was, as they say, someone to die for. And then someone did. Four extraordinary people interact. Join them.
Title: Dreamscape
Author: Daniel Moynihan
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Pages: 258
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A young couple meet in a Heavenly dream.
Author: Jessica Clews
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Pages: 222
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In the aftermath of the 1906 earthquake the O’Hara family and its servants face, and eventually overcome, some very hard lessons. Ettie’s journey is the most difficult of all but her spirit survives, as does the City of San Francisco.
Title: Fiona's Folly
Author: Louise Lake
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Pages: 148
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The crashing Pacific surf is the backdrop for desire in Fiona's Folly, a sexy, contemporary romance set on the Oregon coast. A young widow is - at first - an unwilling hostess to an injured man, but passion soon ignites between them.
Author: Voula Antoniou
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Born of English and Greek parents, exquisitely beautiful Paris Alexander would become Crown Princess of the Sovereign State of Abu Halide. When the Governing Council of Elders rescinds their permission for her to marry the Crown Prince, her world begins to unravel around her. Destiny it seems has chosen a different path for Paris.
Author: Brett Berson
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Pages: 290
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Long-lost lovers reconnect and reunite to find true happiness
Title: Forced Offer
Author: Gloria Gay
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Pages: 216
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A sweet wallflower gets a forced marriage offer, rejection and danger.
Author: Angelique
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Pages: 388
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Right, wrong, witches, vampires, life or eternal existence, all choices?
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Someone believes that Genevieve, the young fashion designer, must die.
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Inspirational family love story that warms your heart.
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A western fiction of hardship and found love
Author: Maya Seymour
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Racism, love, and forgiveness ignites a fiery southern romance.
Title: Harassed
Author: Beth Button Conklin
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Lust and crime enter a New York City law firm, as office romance and sexual harassment complaints arise. When murders, suicide, and arrests are added to the brew, catastrophe ensues.
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An intriguing love story between a teenage angel and demon.
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