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FIRST LOVES ARE FOREVER (My True-Life Fairy Tale) by Brett Berson


by Brett Berson

290 pages
Long-lost lovers reconnect and reunite to find true happiness

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Category: Fiction:Romance
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About the Book
My story is a love story, involving reconnection with my first girlfriend after nearly 40 years apart. It’s classic in the sense of “boy meets girl; boy loses girl; boy gets girl”, told in a first-person narrative style. What makes it different and unique is that it’s all perfectly true, and is modern and timely in that social media and the internet are the tools that enable the plot to progress. Because it’s all true, the plot and characters are very much alive and real. The story covers an entire lifetime, and includes the bloom of first love, the pain of lost love, the lives of quiet desperation resulting from unrequited love, the passion of rediscovery, renewal, and reunion, and the painstaking process of eventual reconciliation and vindication. It’s a wild ride, with a very happy ending, one which resonates with young and old alike, and anyone who has ever been deeply in love.



About the Author
Brett Berson has retired from active clinical practice as an orthopedic surgeon, and is now living happily on Long Island with his inamorata and stepson. His next project is to make up for lost time and enjoy family, friends, and travel, in that order.



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