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Author: Otto Engelberth
Format: Ebook
Pages: 78
Ebook Price: $5.99
Concepts that a grandfather wants future generations to know.
Author: Robert May
Format: Ebook
Pages: 302
Ebook Price: $4.99
This book is a linear description of my lifelong journey of trying to understand life. You could call it my vision quest or my search for the Holy Grail. But like Dorothy wanting to go home, I have found it is only a matter of waking up.
Author: Charles H. Huettner
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 218
Ebook Price: $8.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
A fresh and inspired non-fiction Bible study guide to "Revelation". Five keys and Jesus' words from across the Bible unlock its mysteries. The result is a spiritual journey, a different interpretation, and a change in the dialogue about "Revelation".
Title: Jesus Wanted
Author: Pawel Zelwan
Format: Ebook
Pages: 338
Ebook Price: $9.00
Original collection of expositions of difficult Scripture fragments
Author: JC Long
Format: Ebook
Pages: 220
Ebook Price: $4.99
Jesus' List puts religion on the sidelines and promotes spirituality.
Author: James La Croce
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 282
Ebook Price: $9.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
A passionate and humorous story about Jesus' mission in Galilee.
Author: Glenn and Linda Harmon
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 152
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $20.95
This book will bring hope,love,healing and purpose to your life.
Author: Teresa Suttles
Format: Ebook
Pages: 264
Ebook Price: $7.95
A modern update of the fall and retaking of Mansoul.
Title: KEY of GOD
Author: Charles A. LaFleur
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 104
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $15.99
The author has a keen interest in biblical studies, history and treasure hunting. He utilizes a Bible Code program to unravel historical details which have been enshrouded in mystery for years, retracing the steps of key biblical figures.
Author: Robbie L. Rogers
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 420
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $21.99
Within one's self lies the whole world, if you know how to look and learn. The door of life appears and the key is waiting there; nobody can give you the key, or make the door open except you. Be true to yourself, open the door.
Title: King Jesus
Author: Nathan Derenski
Format: Ebook
Pages: 158
Ebook Price: $7.99
Jesus is more than a spiritual consultant, He is King.
Author: Robert Fitzpatrick
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 152
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $17.99
This book presents evidence from the Bible showing that the fourth Gospel was recorded by the Lord’s disciple Lazarus, not the apostle John; explains how the attribution error could have occurred; and explains Lazarus’ significance for God’s elect living in the last days.
Author: Mark Sooy
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 132
Ebook Price: $9.95
Paperback Price: $15.95
Lessons in the Silence of God by Mark Sooy
Author: Gary L. Lemons PhD, Scott Neumeister PhD & Susie L. Hoeller
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 272
Ebook Price: $5.99
Paperback Price: $19.95
Let Love Lead is a visionary book that inspires with its stories of college students coming to personal transformation, liberation, and healing.
Author: James Laero
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 262
Ebook Price: $9.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
A revelation of God the Father
Author: John Finkbeiner
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 324
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $18.95
A critical analysis exposing flaws in the Pre-tribulation rapture position.
Author: Abbot Oscar Joseph, O.C.C.O.
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 168
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
Hardcover Price: $26.95
God created you to yearn for intimacy with Him. Listen with the Ear of Your Heart presents a dynamic pilgrimage utilizing Scripture, the teachings of the Church Fathers, The Rule of St. Benedict, prayer, meditation and contemplation.
Author: Richard Hines
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 218
Ebook Price: $7.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
A spiritual journey into faith, experiencing God’s presence and action, and working to renew the Church.
Author: Mark Thompson
Format: Ebook
Pages: 76
Ebook Price: $3.99
Obtain God's promises through living the lifestyle of faith.
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 250
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $17.99
Hardcover Price: $30.95
This book takes a realistic journey through some of the most puzzling events of the lives of David, Solomon and their families in order to better prepare us to handle the temptations they faced and better understand the depth of God’s grace when we fail.
Author: Jean Allen
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 710
Ebook Price: $9.99
Paperback Price: $28.95
Reflections on the three year cycle of Sunday Gospel readings.
Author: Yvonne Anderson
Format: Paperback
Pages: 234
Paperback Price: $17.95
Mind renewal through the Word and life lessons.
Author: Dr. Stephen A. Robinson
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 164
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
Hardcover Price: $26.95
Pastors are driven by the number of people who attend their churches believing that alone validates their ministry. If we would pull back the cover from this false narrative we would discover that 90% of all churches in America have fewer than 500 people. Therefore a MEGA-Small Church becomes achievable.
Author: Abbot Oscar Joseph, O.C.C.O.
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 134
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
Hardcover Price: $25.95
Memoirs of a Christian Healer chronicles the miraculous works of God. You will experience the joy of victory and the sorrow of human weakness. Incorporated within the many stories the Abbot includes reflective lessons on the Healing Ministry. The many stories are of real people and genuine healings.
Author: Janice Peck Vandine
Format: Ebook
Pages: 180
Ebook Price: $2.99
Ten days before her wedding, Angela finds many stumbling blocks
Author: Larry Shoup
Format: Ebook
Pages: 118
Ebook Price: $7.99
Do you yearn to live every day filled with God’s power instead of struggling through life on your own? Unfortunately, most of us do not experience God’s power in our ordinary, everyday lives. This book looks at two fundamental reasons for this lack of power and provides a five-step process to draw close to God and experience His power every day.
Author: Douglas Miller
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 144
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
The book details the steps I took to renew my relationship with Christ. The 10 steps were developed in hind sight, meaning, as I looked back to how I got here, I actualized how it happened. I include stories of my past exposing all… something I would have never done six years ago. I detail each step with conviction, knowing that God has my back.
Author: Carol Costa and Joyce Martin
Format: Ebook
Pages: 85
Ebook Price: $9.95
The riveting story of a nationally known psychic who has survived life's darkest moments and carried the light of hope and healing to others on the brink of despair.
Author: Marc Williams
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 152
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
Reviving Christianity for the 21st Century
Author: Kathleen Brunner
Format: Ebook
Pages: 324
Ebook Price: $12.95
Stories of ordinary individuals and the extraordinary difference each made.
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