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Lazarus Revealed: A Biblical Picture of the Last True Believers on Earth by Robert Fitzpatrick

Lazarus Revealed: A Biblical Picture of the Last True Believers on Earth

by Robert Fitzpatrick

152 pages
This book presents evidence from the Bible showing that the fourth Gospel was recorded by the Lord’s disciple Lazarus, not the apostle John; explains how the attribution error could have occurred; and explains Lazarus’ significance for God’s elect living in the last days.

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About the Book
The Bible is the inspired word of God, but names of individual books in the Bible are not inspired. In fact, one of them is incorrect! In the New Testament, the fourth Gospel should be identified as the Gospel According to Lazarus, not the Gospel According to John. In Lazarus Revealed, you will see how the Bible itself confirms this, and understand how this attribution error could have occurred.

You will also learn why you should reconsider another assumption that practically every Christian has. Although many Christians believe that God continues His work of saving people until the day the world ends, the Bible reveals that this is not the case. In fact, with a correct understanding of the Biblical timeline and Biblical calendar, both of which are briefly discussed in Lazarus Revealed, it becomes possible to know specific dates in God’s salvation plan.

One of those dates occurred very recently in history. The Bible points to May 21, 2011 as the day when salvation ended. The ending of salvation before the last day is revealed in several verses throughout the Bible’s Old and New Testaments. John 21:22, which is discussed in Lazarus Revealed, is perhaps the key verse in which God reveals that His elect remain on earth for a certain period of time after salvation ends. With a correct understanding of what the Bible reveals about Lazarus, the meanings for this and many other mysterious verses become clear. In fact, although the date for the Lord’s return cannot be known, we now know that it will happen within the lifetime of some people who are alive today. This is part of the information that God promised He would reveal to end-time believers.


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About the Author
Robert Fitzpatrick Before retiring, Mr. Robert Fitzpatrick was an engineer for New York City Transit. He graduated from Manhattan College, located in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. He now resides in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai.



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