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Keys For Living a Solid Successful Christian Life by Robbie L. Rogers

Keys For Living a Solid Successful Christian Life

by Robbie L. Rogers

420 pages
Within one's self lies the whole world, if you know how to look and learn. The door of life appears and the key is waiting there; nobody can give you the key, or make the door open except you. Be true to yourself, open the door.

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About the Book
A straight forward simple life-changing easy to read common sense look at the complexity of today’s difficulties according to and surrounding God’s Word, the Bible and Christianity.

Did God simply hit the start button on creation and walk away like it sometimes feels? He is almost always active with us daily, hourly, minute by minute! Life is beautiful if we allow it to be and we are blessed beyond measure! Your success depends on what you truly believe, what drives your existence.

If you work hard enough at what your heart’s desire is about, it will happen; especially if you are working at something in God’s name and in His timing. Remember God’s plans for you existed before you were born.

So, what do you spend your time on? Ask God for help in changing the part of you that He dislikes; those things that are negative in nature, learn to love yourself.

Beware of distractions, piddling, deviations from your purposes, mostly they are wrong for you to do at that time. However, sometimes “fires” do occur and must be put out. The distractions I am alluding to come from fragmented thoughts that lead you to deviate from your plan; you end up in a room and don’t even remember why you are there.

If something pops up that requires your attention write it down on your to do list. Everyone should have such a list but often they also are simply a distraction list that keeps you from what you ought to be doing.

People within a congregation, those on the edge or outside of Christianity, and those trying to make some sense out of their career and life experiences in these difficult times while hanging on to Christian principles they believe in need this book.

Millions of Christians and non-Christians alike need more information and guidance for clarity in a confusing world that often conflicts with one's normal Christian values. This book helps define how we can keep a firm grasp on what we believe and apply those principles with a new sense of realization in our life and career. It is in that mode that it was developed.


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  • Guilty of No Wrongdoing by Robbie L. Rogers
    An explosive tale inside the Department of Defense maze concerning one moral man's efforts to right wrongs. Lew Harris tries to free himself from his past doing what he thinks is right while often fleeing from those who see it differently.


About the Author
Robbie L. Rogers Robbie L. Rogers’, “Keys For Living a Solid Christian Life” was created after many years in Christian Lay Ministry. His first novel, “Guilty of No Wrongdoing” is the fictional results of DoD contracting. Robbie was Freelance Staff Editor for Ziff Davis and Webmaster/Director for a large Christian ministry website.



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