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LIFE WITH OUR FATHER: The Better Life of Knowing God by James Laero

LIFE WITH OUR FATHER: The Better Life of Knowing God

by James Laero

262 pages
A revelation of God the Father

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Category: Religion:Christianity
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About the Book
Life With Our Father, is a glorious revelation of God as He desires us to see Him, and a very practical guide to understanding His ways, His house, and growing up in His life.

Are you weary of living your life in cycles of rights and wrongs? Are you tired of just surviving life's storms? This is not God's plan for you! Are you ready for a better life that will not rust, decay or fade away? That better life is waiting. Come and take it!

Life With Our Father will open your eyes to your heavenly Father's amazing plan for your life and inspire you to take hold of the better life waiting for you through His Son, Jesus Christ.



About the Author
James Laero Author, James E. Laero, the father of four and grandfather of seven, lives and ministers just east of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is founder of more than a dozen ministries impacting people regionally and around the world and a pioneer in using new technologies and Internet capabilities to publish the Gospel.



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