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Author: Brett Berson
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 290
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
Hardcover Price: $30.95
Long-lost lovers reconnect and reunite to find true happiness
Author: Jackie Miriam
Format: Ebook
Pages: 334
Ebook Price: $4.99
An unusual story of teenage adventure and ultimately, true love.
Author: James Orui
Format: Ebook
Pages: 452
Ebook Price: $9.99
Kumiko struggles to survive while investigating why she’s a target.
Author: Melisa Knoll
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 444
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $20.95
Danny seeks revenge for his father's death in a riot.
Author: R.T. Byrum
Format: Ebook
Pages: 209
Ebook Price: $6.95
The Carvers must escape before their terrorist captors attack Washington.
Title: Flip-Flop
Author: Bill Conroy
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 160
Ebook Price: $7.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
Flip-flop is a transcendental thriller about a counterculture journalist.
Author: Pierre Renaldo
Format: Ebook
Pages: 240
Ebook Price: $6.95
Deadly action on the high seas against ruthless remenants of WWII
Title: Flynn at Home
Author: Elizabeth Eng
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 34
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $15.99
Flynn is a collie puppy who moves to his forever home in the city. As he grows, he learns that things are quite different from the goat farm where he was born. Turn the pages and take delight in the scamp that is Flynn!
Author: Elizabeth Eng
Format: Paperback
Pages: 38
Paperback Price: $15.99
Flynn the rough collie has grown to be a friendly, loving companion. Join him as he visits neighbors and new places, exploring his community.
Author: Marilyn Neiman
Format: Ebook
Pages: 177
Ebook Price: $8.95
Woman reveals her secret to her lover, a Cornell professor.
Author: Larry B. Gildersleeve
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 272
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
Follow Your Dreams is the fictional inspirational story of an African-American protagonist who rises from poverty to become Kentucky's most successful female entrepreneur and leading philanthropist. She's persuaded to write a book about the journals she's kept throughout her life, and those journals comprise a book-within-a-book at the end.
Author: Marian L. Jasper
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 750
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $28.95
FOR BETTER OR WORSE is the fourth in the Liza Marchant series and modern-day writer, Ellie Fuller, continues her research into Liza’s life in Victorian times. She hopes that Liza will finally find contentment with the man who has always loved her. Liza’s letters and diaries show that her life was never destined to run smoothly.
Author: Truscott Jones
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 588
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $24.95
Hardcover Price: $40.95
Senator Chaise Landon wants to change 2036 America, where being homosexual is worse than illegal - it's dangerous. Just one problem: when the corporate leaders and Christian Kingdom running the U.S. chose Landon, they didn't know he was himself gay.
Author: Michael Schwartz
Format: Paperback
Pages: 318
Paperback Price: $19.95
The Great War of the Dreamkillers continues
Title: Forced Offer
Author: Gloria Gay
Format: Ebook
Pages: 216
Ebook Price: $2.99
A sweet wallflower gets a forced marriage offer, rejection and danger.
Author: Michael Brown
Format: Ebook
Pages: 296
Ebook Price: $2.99
Perhaps it was the weight of destiny that united one abandoned adolescent boy and one orphaned canine pup. Having come of age together the two set off to a location deep in the great north woods only to realize they have stumbled into that arcane borderland between good and evil.
Author: Vo Tran
Format: Paperback
Pages: 366
Paperback Price: $20.95
Young robot, Jacob, must save his kind by recreating humans.
Author: Steven Wills
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 240
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $17.99
Jake Daniels, a Baltimore art conservator, is drawn into a world of international art forgery and theft. The scope of crimes he uncovers endangers both his lover and himself as they follow a convoluted trail from Paris to Ghent, Belgium.
Author: Col. Rube Waddell
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 404
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $21.95
AF pilot shot down, taken prisoner, lost for twenty years
Title: Forgotten
Author: Kent White
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 270
Ebook Price: $7.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
Hardcover Price: $30.95
Forgotten is the story of the search for a POW/MIA.
Author: Richard F. Schultz
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 582
Ebook Price: $9.99
Paperback Price: $23.95
Fantasy novel, a modern man's heritage is a medieval world.
Author: Du Sharboneau
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 158
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
Forty Women bring together a group of women from different backgrounds who work together to survive after being hijacked in a foreign country.
Author: Rebecca David
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 22
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $12.95
She was protected by simple creatures, butterflies.
Author: Darlene Matule
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 332
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $18.95
Tony Duggan inherits wealth and becomes Head of the Family.
Author: Mario Babbini
Format: Ebook
Pages: 216
Ebook Price: $6.00
Saints have not disappeared.
Author: Frank Kyle
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 412
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $22.95
An American teenager's freaky American life.
Author: Nancy Matus
Format: Ebook
Pages: 190
Ebook Price: $2.99
Tale of Jewish survival and betrayal during the Bolshevik Revolution.
Author: OR "TEX" Graves
Format: Ebook
Pages: 197
Ebook Price: $0.99
Frank and Bob want to control the world oil.
Title: Freeing Colt
Author: Christy Lindsay
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 306
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $19.95
After surviving a brutal beating, Colt frees himself from the prison his father built around him. Summoning the courage to run away, Colt begins a healing journey as he crosses paths with people whose guidance helps transform his life. As he pursues his dream of songwriting, he meets people who show Colt there are no coincidences.
Author: Daniel Turner
Format: Ebook
Pages: 530
Ebook Price: $3.99
Advanced alien technology threatens Earth's economic establishments -- SF adventure/comedy.
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