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Fighting Blind by Jeremy Lee

Fighting Blind

by Jeremy Lee

478 pages
Fighting Blind is about the battles we all fight.

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Category: Fiction
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About the Book
Fighting Blind is a story about the battles we all fight.

Ezzard Pearl Riley lost his mother at age eleven to a suspicious accident and was left to be raised by his drunken father. Fate and a good ass whipping brought the talented young Ezzard to the sport of boxing. Now he has the chance to bring the heavy weight championship back to the United States if he can beat his greatest opponent; His Temper. Along with a cheating devil from Brazil that may push him over the edge.

Teddy Rose is a devout family man who has been training his entire life but struggles after losing his most loved fighter, his wife and the mother of his three children. Being the corner man for the family, including his fighter he’s raised like a son, keeps him going after their loss but when a young punk puts him on the canvas, everyone’s world changes.

Fighting Blind is a story of our human condition of overcoming and winning in the fight of life. It is the story of the warrior spirit we all possess; whether at home or inside the ring, on the battlefield or in the gym, in the boardroom, or on the factory floor. Fighting Blind is about victory; victories of the heart.


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About the Author
Jeremy Lee has a style that is clear and crisp, entertaining and heart touching. This author from middle town America, reaches into his characters lives and makes the reader feel like they are in the story. Here is a refreshing style that promises to make you want more.



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