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Filament III, Amorphicity by Dr. Alan Paris

Filament III, Amorphicity

by Dr. Alan Paris

166 pages
Filament III expands. Observe an African wedding as confusion embroils their home. The Red Menace imperils the future. Our heroes gamble to move a desperate world facing the ultimate finale. Love may be lost but not forsaken. Will they have a chance?

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Category: Fiction:Adventure
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About the Book
Filament III, Amorphicity, the adventure expands both internationally and inter-dimensionally. Watch the fated action team and their family guests delight at the spectacular African wedding where native customs are revealed. Deep emotions will inspire as all the matched couples refresh their personal vows.

When amazing cryptic messages from an alien future present new directives, confusing altercations at home demand tough personal choices. You realize that time and space, the nature of matter and anti-matter, describe the paradigm as the Red Menace imperils the Earth.

Join the heroic couple facing the cosmic challenge gambling countless lives to save a desperate world moving towards ultimate doom. Success is imperative as Dr. Allen and Veronika Futura must execute split-second timing and a forced, harrowing separation. Love may be lost but never forsaken. Can they count on a second chance?



About the Author
Dr. Alan Paris Dr. Alan Paris is an optometrist who has published in journals, written music, a children’s story, and mature fiction. The doctor holds Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry and Integrated Bioscience and a Doctorate in Optometry. His latest work is this engaging Sci-Fi adventure that stimulates the imagination with fantastic tales of life, love and our deepest beliefs.



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