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Title: Lost Clusters
Author: Pat Harrigan
Format: Paperback
Pages: 460
Paperback Price: $22.95
Detective story set in Minneapolis.
Title: Lost Hearts
Author: Vincent Panella
Format: Ebook
Pages: 226
Ebook Price: $8.95
Short stories linked and separate.
Author: Howard Turk
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 488
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $22.95
Shanghai 1937. A scientist must be saved from the Gestapo.
Title: Lost River
Author: Grace Hawthorne
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 320
Ebook Price: $7.99
Paperback Price: $19.95
On the surface, Lost River is a typical Georgia town in 1949, but underneath, it’s a whole different story.
Title: Lost Wyoming
Author: Debra Snider
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 330
Ebook Price: $8.99
Paperback Price: $19.95
Poignant, ultimately uplifting tale of love, loss, and family ties.
Author: Robert Jamelli
Format: Ebook
Pages: 254
Ebook Price: $2.99
Michael is the youngest son of Roman Tarantino, a major organized crime figure. Michael meets a young woman, he falls for her and she for him. The problem is the young woman has an over jealous boyfriend who is a police officer.
Author: Macabee Dean
Format: Ebook
Pages: 480
Ebook Price: $4.99
A grandfather turns his introvert grandson into an extrovert who becomes a sergeant in a terrorist termination unit. While living with a girl from his kibbutz, she betrays him with an officer. The sergeant thrashes the officer and faces severe punishment, but the Army hushes up the incident.
Author: Chastity Weese
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 118
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
Kayla and Sandy have been best friends since they were little. Sandy now leads a life of disarray and Kayla doesn't agree with it. When tragedy strikes Kayla's' life, she could never imagine who is behind it all.
Author: Kristopher Paul
Format: Ebook
Pages: 142
Ebook Price: $2.99
Ryan is entering a stage in his adolescence that his mom simply doesn't understand. Initially, Ryan doesn't like the fact that his mom begins to date Randy. As time goes on, he and Randy begin to form an unbreakable bond.
Author: Stephen Hobbs
Format: Paperback
Pages: 178
Paperback Price: $15.95
Twelve stories of love include twosomes, family, love lost, love found. Love unseen and immortal through space and time.
Author: S. Benjdar
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 408
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $21.95
Nineteen year old, Victoria finds herself taken from 2016 and placeD in 1889 due to a family curse. She struggles to break the curse, and falls in love with a foreman from a near-by ranch.
Author: Daniel Moynihan
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 262
Ebook Price: $6.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
An Adirondack secret threatens the lives of the Millers.
Author: T. Renee
Format: Ebook
Pages: 240
Ebook Price: $7.99
The final chapter in a three-part story, where the hero finally steps out and is seen and proves that true love never dies.
Author: Rick Tuber
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 256
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
Diagnosed with a terminal illness, Rob Turner leaves his family behind and embarks on a bucket list-adventure in Scotland. There, he meets a wise old man whose wildly impossible predictions propel him home with the possibility of hope.
Author: Ann Marie Graf
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 508
Ebook Price: $9.99
Paperback Price: $23.95
Romance novel with QR codes
Title: Lovers Lame
Author: Robert Rudney
Format: Ebook
Pages: 272
Ebook Price: $8.99
'Lovers Lame' is the novel that makes disability sexy.
Author: Sally Watson
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 208
Ebook Price: $8.95
Paperback Price: $17.95
Author: Rick Rycker
Format: Ebook
Pages: 182
Ebook Price: $4.99
Randy Shaw, P.I., assists with a suspenseful kidnapping case.
Author: Susan Reedy
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 432
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $20.95
Young couple forced to survive governmental corruption infiltrating hometown.
Author: Dale Kueter
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 446
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $22.95
With her abusive husband gone, Molly Bremer is alone in Little Rock during the chaotic years of WWII to raise their children. Her two sons are guilty of avarice and murder. Though painful, Ma Bremer stands by her boys. What else can she do?
Title: Macom Farm
Author: Tom Baldwin
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 456
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $21.95
Hardcover Price: $38.50
Macom Farm—beautiful and sinister—with dark secrets and unique attributes—a developer's dream! Jason & Andrea endure ugly twists and hardships in intense standoffs between developer, townsfolk, and unknown forces with evil intentions.
Title: Maddox
Author: darin thomas
Format: Ebook
Pages: 79
Ebook Price: $6.95
His mother dead from small pox. The Bloody Civil War had taken his Father and Brother. The Family Farm looted and burned, Clint Maddox found himself alone at age Fifteen. Fortune, peace, and adventure lured Clint west.
Author: Robert Hager
Format: Ebook
Pages: 228
Ebook Price: $2.99
Spellbinding adventure, of sunken treasure in the remote sea.
Author: Peter J. Smith and Alicia M. Smith
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 400
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $18.95
Spell-binding magical fantasy action, mystical creatures, evil unstoppable forces.
Author: Jack Rein
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 228
Ebook Price: $8.99
Paperback Price: $19.95
Hardcover Price: $30.95
Conspiracy, Murder, War and Redemption in Renaissance Florence.
Author: Maria Pease
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 264
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
A fast-paced detective mystery set in Temecula, California.
Author: Maria Pease
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 374
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $20.95
The Sam Parker mystery series is an exciting ride.
Title: Mamie's Hogan
Author: Du Sharboneau
Format: Paperback
Pages: 268
Paperback Price: $17.95
An older woman helps a young woman escape the police.
Title: Maniac's Cat
Author: Dr. Paul Chiles
Format: Paperback
Pages: 78
Paperback Price: $13.95
Three children escape the stress of moving to a new town through daydreaming but the daydreams seem to become reality...
Author: Sally Forrester
Formats: Ebook | Hardcover
Pages: 60
Ebook Price: $2.99
Hardcover Price: $31.95
Grandpa 42's gnome family lived in mountain caves.Melting snow forced them to find new homes with the woodland fairies.Forest fire forced yet another escape on a magic carpet to Margate. More adventures followed and gainful employment.
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