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Letters for Karina by Eufie Unazna

Letters for Karina

by Eufie Unazna

148 pages
One man courageously breaks free from his troubled marriage

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Category: Fiction:Romance
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About the Book
Cliche as it may sound, nobody is perfect. And that rings true inside the pages of Letters for Karina. Daniel, our Filipino-Chinese protagonist, seems to be a perfect man having a seemingly perfect life. A successful, talented, financially secure, mature gentleman, he is indeed the dream husband. And in this perfection, we are immersed inside his imperfect story -- the struggle and toil to maintain perfection with his wife and maid.


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About the Author
Eufie Unazna writes for a living. He has authored several books on a wide array of subjects. He frequently travels, spending time in different countries and immersing himself in different cultures in order for him to find inspiration to write.



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