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LEGEND OF THE CAT: A Ghost Warrior Adventure - Book III by Matthew Mark Lukenjon

LEGEND OF THE CAT: A Ghost Warrior Adventure - Book III

by Matthew Mark Lukenjon

140 pages
LEGEND OF THE CAT is a breathtaking adventure! The boys encounter a cougar in the wilderness that injures Tippy the Wonder Mutt. The intrepid trio race to save his life, and are pulled into a drama that draws them into danger when they see poachers kill the cougar. Excitement builds as the boys decide to rescue the cougar's three kittens, and raise them at Split Rock Cave.

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Category: Fiction:Adventure
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About the Book
The boys paid a heavy price for the lies and deceptions they had told their parents in pursuit of the Stonecutters treasure. Their adventures of discovery ground to a halt and the shiny new Honda 50 bikes sat locked in Steve’s garage. The summer promise of new and extended travel was lost. Instead of exploring new places the boys became cheap labor for their parents. They helped cut and stack fire wood for the winter, they cleaned out garage clutter, painted Steve and Jimmy’s dock on the lake, washed cars, helped moms by washing the dishes and watched Ghost Warrior sitting on the shore instead of taking them across the lake.

It was a long process to rebuild the trust of their parents but they didn’t whine and complain. They hunkered down, shared the work helping each other so the chores went by faster. They put up a snivel chart in Jimmy’s garage which they would keep count on if anyone sniveled about the work. The chores became an exercise in fun trying to set new speed records for the designated work.

By the end of the summer, two weeks before school started the Honda’s were unchained and the boys exulted in the new freedom that the motor bikes gave them. Little did they know that their curiosity would ride them into more danger and sorrow than they could have imagined. But the overwhelming need to experience life to the fullest drove the boys onward straight into the most daring, exciting, and dangerous adventure of their young lives. Follow these inveterate explorers as they chase the elusive Legend of the Cat across the Desolation wilderness south of Donner Lake. Smile with them as they invite Indian George to share in their discovery and hold on to your seat as these daring young men dodge bullets and help law enforcement catch some really nasty poachers who had invaded their kingdom.

After the dust settled, accounts were paid and all things said and done were finished they still said, “It’s Really Neat Being A Kid!!”


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About the Author
Matthew Mark Lukenjon The author of the Ghost Warrior series grew up at Donner Lake California. He has 4 college degrees 10 Grandchildren says he is approaching "Older Than Dirt" status and loves life with all it's follies and foibles that bring such rich flavors to living.



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