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Author: Shawna-Lee I. Perrin
Format: Ebook
Pages: 270
Ebook Price: $3.99
Viv is a student witnessing the punk & post-punk revolution of the late 70s from her college's radio station. The traditional life she was always taught to want might not be the one for her; she makes some tough decisions that will change everything.
Title: Sailor Girl
Author: Esther Brown
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 112
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $14.99
After graduating from high school in a small SC town, Amalee Wise did not go to college. She graduated with an 'A' average near the top of her class. She works factory jobs but she needed more. She goes to the Air Force recruiting station to join, but the office is closed. She walks into the Navy office and thus begins her high-seas adventure!
Author: James Bennett
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 174
Ebook Price: $8.99
Paperback Price: $16.95
Hardcover Price: $27.95
He Wants Another Chance. All He Needs Is A Dream...
Author: Michael Freeman
Format: Ebook
Pages: 270
Ebook Price: $2.99
A sportswriter looks for a legendary minor league baseball player.
Author: Gerard Marconi
Format: Ebook
Pages: 220
Ebook Price: $3.99
A collection of humorous and provocative short stories.
Author: Blake Sheridan
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 422
Ebook Price: $9.99
Paperback Price: $22.95
A dark, pulsating rhythm oozes from the speakers. The air is thick with smoke, illuminated by laser light. Sweaty bodies are packed on the dancefloor, each renting out a few square feet of space. Everyone wants to be the DJ and that DJ is Blake Sheridan.
Author: Robert Herrmann
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 278
Ebook Price: $5.99
Paperback Price: $18.95
Stories of struggling and searching - journeys reaching inward for truth, beauty and love. The overwhelming pain of loss and betrayal; the courage and perseverance to overcome and continue.
Author: Catherine Gentile
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 246
Ebook Price: $8.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
Seduction, prejudice, and the need to control prevail in Small Lies, a collection of award-winning short stories by Catherine Gentile. Motivated by the desire for a more authentic life, the characters unshackle themselves from past hurts to propel past the falsehoods they have created to find hope and resiliency.
Title: Souls Alive
Author: Judith Gelber
Format: Ebook
Pages: 276
Ebook Price: $8.99
Helen Bender, suddenly widowed, is a woman in crisis.
Title: Spectrum
Author: Anne Tarnishable
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 306
Ebook Price: $5.99
Paperback Price: $19.95
When an insidious secret becomes known, the lives of those working in a strip mall plaza are thrown into disarray. While some vie for control, weaponizing divisive anger, others stay true to their moral convictions, battling destruction.
Title: Steal Away
Author: Lance Levens
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 290
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $17.99
Dec. 22, 1829 the Georgia legislature passed a new law: a slave or free black caught teaching another slave or free black to read or write faced punishment of a fine and/or whipping. One boy refused to obey and received an extraordinary reward.
Author: Eric E. Wallace
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 298
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
Nine entertaining and absorbing short stories with round-the-world settings.
Author: Martin Malloy
Format: Ebook
Pages: 286
Ebook Price: $5.99
Realistic life on the beat in a small police department.
Author: T.S. Flanagan
Formats: Ebook | Hardcover
Pages: 688
Ebook Price: $4.99
Hardcover Price: $43.95
A spectacular underachiever with a serious drinking problem finds instant fame when he kills a notorious murderer who has broken into his home. The ensuing national drama exposes his character flaws on his reluctant road to recovery.
Author: Marian Van Eyk McCain
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 252
Ebook Price: $8.95
Paperback Price: $17.95
A tender, unusual story of self-awareness, love and healing.
Author: Donald K. Chapman
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 338
Ebook Price: $8.99
Paperback Price: $18.95
A man becomes a vampire when he drinks Christ's blood.
Author: Jerry Thrush, MD
Format: Ebook
Pages: 192
Ebook Price: $6.95
20 Stanford Sierra Camp writers present fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
Author: Jerry Thrush, MD
Format: Ebook
Pages: 202
Ebook Price: $4.99
Short stories and poetry predominantly authored by Stanford alum.
Author: Yordanka Margaritova
Formats: Ebook | Paperback | Hardcover
Pages: 266
Ebook Price: $5.99
Paperback Price: $16.95
Hardcover Price: $28.95
”The Idiot’s Gospel” is a book about people with mental and emotional disabilities.This is the story of a mental illness that led to the development of a unique incredible talent.
Author: Eric E. Wallace
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 292
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
Pianist Garreth Llewelyn is hugely-successful. His improvisations mesmerize audiences around the world. Listeners 'hear' sights, colors, smells and tastes. But for Garreth it's not enough. He seeks a different meaning for his life. A literary novel, with hints of magic realism, providing fascinating journeys into a musician's imagination.
Author: Dan Anderson
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 220
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $16.95
A Modern Twist to a Beloved Fairy Tale
Author: Joseph D. Williams
Format: Ebook
Pages: 180
Ebook Price: $8.95
A collection of short stories.
Author: Elizabeth McKague
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 604
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $25.95
A novel on the life of Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Author: Joseph Langen
Format: Ebook
Pages: 248
Ebook Price: $8.95
A Catholic priest seeks redemption after sexually abusing a teen.
Author: Robert E. Mueller
Format: Ebook
Pages: 106
Ebook Price: $8.00
Adventures of a young artist trying to discover his personal style and place in the art world.
Author: Phillip Tsen
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 286
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $17.95
A novel written by a former IBM offshoring executive.
Author: H. C. Wallace
Format: Ebook
Pages: 262
Ebook Price: $4.99
Lovers face personal turmoil and crime in this compelling story.
Author: R Leonard Wades
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 398
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $19.95
During Fourth-of-July weekend, an aging fly-fishing guide is hired to conduct a float-trip for clients from out-of-State. Throughout the evening, and the two days that follow, he is guided on his own journey to an unexpected destination.
Author: Susana Beresford
Format: Ebook
Pages: 295
Ebook Price: $5.99
Literary fiction. A family saga spanning 60 years.
Author: Peggy Callison
Format: Ebook
Pages: 242
Ebook Price: $3.99
An Appalachian woman's journey through unwritten, but boilerplate, cultural rules.
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