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The Loves of Cinderella by Dan Anderson

The Loves of Cinderella

by Dan Anderson

220 pages
A Modern Twist to a Beloved Fairy Tale

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Category: Fiction:Literary
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About the Book
What would happen if Cinderella, one of the world’s most beloved and iconic characters, lived in the geopolitical situation of the 21st century rather than in a 17th century fairy tale? What if she was a beautiful teenage girl going through the normal angst of growing up instead of an animated creation flashed on the screen?

This Cinderella is an eighteen year-old girl from Eastern Europe who is forced to flee her homeland to avoid rape squads when terrorists invade her country. With the help of a United Nations Agency, she finds her way to Beverly Hills as an au pair only to encounter abuse and new threats from her evil host family. How Cinderella rescues her family from their captors and overcomes numerous obstacles - including attempts on her life - to achieve her destiny of becoming a famous Hollywood actress, and finding true love with her Prince Charming about whom she has fantasized, is the marrow of our story and the stuff of which dreams are made.


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About the Author
Dan Anderson Dan Anderson is the author of four mysteries, Bad Vibrations, Death Cruise, Vietnam Vindication, and Death by Downsizing which have won numerous literary awards and been optioned for film production. A former Insurance Company VP, Dan is a Vietnam veteran with the Americal Infantry Division. Retired, he writes full time.



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