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Above the Field of Play: A Developmental Approach to the Psychology of Sports and Performance by John C. Panepinto

Above the Field of Play: A Developmental Approach to the Psychology of Sports and Performance

by John C. Panepinto

184 pages
Above the Field of Play offers the most important principles of sports psychology and performance presented in a user-friendly format. This workbook provides the information, tools, and processes essential for any athlete who is serious about leveraging the most important element of actualizing potential: the mind.

Paperback $15.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Sports Psychology
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About the Book
Above the Field of Play delivers the psychological essentials to complement the physical skills and strategies of your sport on the path to competitive excellence. The workbook offers a developmental approach to the psychology of sports, providing a dependable foundation for the changes required at each stage to unlock peak performance. You will discover a framework of the most important psychological concepts to structure your path to improvement.

More and more studies point to the leverage that psychological principles provide for success and well-being. Above the Field of Play draws from the growing literature on development, motivation, positive psychology, neuroscience (and more), delivered in a concise and practical format.

While most coaching and training focuses on doing something different and better, Above the Field of Play goes straight to the source, providing the information, processes, and tools to be someone different and better. This book is a must-have for the athlete who is serious about getting the greatest leverage out of the most important element of actualizing potential: the mind.


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About the Author
John C. Panepinto Dr. Panepinto has helped athletes optimize performance for over two decades. A certified tennis professional and coach, he specializes in sports psychology and counseling, working with competitors up to elite levels. His has written for Tennis Pro, and his articles on psychology and development have been published in psychology journals.



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