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REAL STORIES OF SPIRIT COMMUNICATION: When Loved Ones Return After Crossing Over by Angela Hoy

REAL STORIES OF SPIRIT COMMUNICATION: When Loved Ones Return After Crossing Over

by Angela Hoy

224 pages
Real and extraordinary stories of spirit communication from ordinary people like you and me.

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Category: Self Help:Grief
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About the Book
"Mom, Mom, I saw him! I saw Daddy, Mom!" (Chapter 23)

"You must get in touch with your father." (Chapter 12)

"There stood Bruce, in the corner of the shower, staring at me." (Chapter 16)

"There, blocking the front door, stood Dad, dressed in his gray slacks, cream-colored, button down, short-sleeved shirt looking like he did in the pictures from the 1950s, not the 90s, when he died." (Chapter 26)

"Mommy, I see Jack!" (Chapter 31)

"I listened to him say how he never left my side for all these years, how every time I wondered if I were making the right decision, he would show me a sign. I listened to him say how peaceful it was on the other side"" (Chapter 34)

"(Heaven is) nothing like you may begin to imagine, nor is it anything like you have been taught to believe it is." (Chapter 28)


This volume features real and extraordinary stories of spirit communication from ordinary people like you and me. The individuals who experienced these visits were always surprised and occasionally shocked when their departed loved ones crossed back over to deliver important messages, beautiful visions, loving words and even hugs from the "other side."

Yes, there really is a wonderful life waiting for us after death! Our loved ones really are waiting on the "other side" for us, and they really do want to communicate with us, if only we knew how to listen!

This cover features real photographs of the departed loved ones appearing in this book. See page vi in the book for information about each person and a reference to the chapter in which they appear.


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About the Author
Angela Hoy Angela Hoy is the author of many non-fiction titles. She is the owner of (a site that publishes free paying markets and job listings for writers) and (a publisher of print and electronic books).



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