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Came a Tapping: "...I am the Raven" by Kat Lewis and R.L. Pool

Came a Tapping: "...I am the Raven"

by Kat Lewis and R.L. Pool

162 pages
Seven-year-old Faith Carney was again in the hands of monsters… but this time she had a secret. Her bestest friend? The Raven!

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Category: Fiction:Techno-Thrillers
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About the Book
Seven-year-old Faith Carney again sat in darkness. She was bound and gagged like before and was groggy from the chloroform they had used to get her here. She glanced about at her surroundings and frowned.

When she was taken two years earlier, she sat in darkness waiting to die. She was petrified with fear and could hardly breathe from the loud pounding of her heart.

This time it was different. This time she had used the two years to learn everything she could about abductions and the actions she could take to keep from remaining a victim. She’d trained her little body and mind for the possibility and now glared at her imprisonment with determination.

She had a secret.

She had a friend… a bestest friend… who knew she was captive, knew she was all but helpless, and knew she would stand her ground when the time came.

Her bestest friend?

The Raven!



About the Author
R.L. Pool is twice retired, US Army and Metrology specialist for the National Institute of Standards Technology. Kat L. Lewis is Pool’s niece and coauthor. Her knowledge of computer technology was irreplaceable in portraying the story. They both live in Leakey, Texas.



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