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Impolite Stories: Sex, Religion & Politics by Ronald W. Hull

Impolite Stories: Sex, Religion & Politics

by Ronald W. Hull

164 pages
Impolite Stories is Ronald W.Hull's third book of short stories. Eighteen written between 2013-2017. Eclectic: science fiction, satire, drama, religion, sex and politics. Many from dreams with a decided twist or a lesson to be learned. Made to be entertaining to read. Subjects that could cause arguments in polite settings.

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Category: Fiction:SciFi:Dystopian
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About the Book
Impolite Stories is Ronald W. Hull's third book of short stories following It's in the Water and Other Stories and Verge of Apocalypse Tales, and is a collection of 18 stories written from 2013 through 2017. The stories are rather eclectic in nature including science fiction, satire, drama, religion, sex and politics. Many came from dreams. Some of them have a decided twist at the end and hopefully, some of them provide a lesson to be learned. Every effort has been made to make them entertaining to read. Some of the subjects could cause arguments in polite settings.

Hitch Bitch -- “Mesmerizing tale! Told with skill and panache about a subject and a time I know well. And what a surprise ending! This is Ron Hull at his best, a story-teller extraordinaire.”-- Edward Phillips, author of The New American Challenge, many economic articles, stories and poetry.

Brain Dead -- “Sometimes I’m blessed to read a piece of work, which on the face of it I cannot relate to, but by the end thought it had happened to me. So simply told, so elegant, intoxicating. I learned about the art of writing.” -- Harry Hogg, author of short stories.


Scanned -- “Fascinating story and very well told, Ron. The truly disconcerting aspect of it is that this story may not be considered as fiction for much longer.”
- Morgan McFinn, author of 'Out of the Loop' and seven other humorous books of fictionalized memoirs recounting an exotic life well lived.
Don’t Mess with God -- “You possess a writing style reminiscent of old Sci-Fi writers of the 1950-60s ... John Brunner comes to mind, right off hand, a true Science Fiction great.""
- Marvin Cox-Flynn, author of many diabolical stories and articles on the nature of God and man.
Poison Earth -- “I'm hooked, Ron. Nice research on the grid, home solar” … “and job.”
- Jansen Estrup, author of 12 books including the Starlight on Stone series of novels and his memoir covering his childhood in World War II.


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About the Author
Ronald W. Hull Ron Hull, engineer, educator, and author, has been writing since he was in high school in Wisconsin. Dr. Hull retired from Texas Southern University after thirty years in 2011. He is author of six novels, his autobiography, and many essays, articles and poems. Ron's latest is his third book of short stories.



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