A Path to the Inner Self
by Diane Chapin
146 pages
Presenting a glimpse into earth’s future that we help effect.
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Category: Spirituality And Psychology:Philosophy
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About the Book
Book four of this series presents some major topics including: spiritual vision, self-illumination, understanding yourself, mastership, Earth in transition, opening to access Universal Energy.
“Your planet has uplifted enormously over these last few years and we are encouraged by all that we see. The consciousness of humankind is evolving and unfolding to a point where the connecting link between individuals extends to the realization of human values that must change and are changing.”
“You live in a plentiful world. It is only for you to see through lack of plenty as a collective idea and look to the truth... that you are spiritual beings in light and in progression through incarnations that are meant to serve you. Incarnations were not meant to be mundane experiences, they were meant to be unfolding spiritual journeys. But there is not a realization of that as we see humankind waiting to be awakened.”
“Those things that bring you happiness, creative expression and joy should be the contents of your life, not what satisfies the ideals that are superimposed upon you by what you have been told.”
“For all of you, your true path is to begin to love yourselves today as spiritual beings and to value yourselves. Begin to seek that which brings you deep joy and happiness and, from that, let all of the rest evolve in your prayers and meditations. You can have it all, but you must learn what that means to you as an individual and proceed from that understanding.”
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About the Author |
After a very demanding seven-year training period, Diane became a ‘transparency for Spirit,’ well beyond being a ‘channel,’ but a ‘vehicle,’ willing to set ego aside and live as a spiritual tool; with a Presence of God’s grace, unconditional love, healing energy and communication that is on-going, ever-present, always available. |