Sequel Time: Having Fun with Book Titles!
by El McMeen
82 pages
Only humorist El McMeen could hit a wacky home run by just playing with book titles! For laughs, he takes a famous book and treats it as a sequel to another famous book!
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About the Book
In his four previous books of humor, author El McMeen has engaged in amusing and whimsical wordplay in regard to snowflakes, holophrases, animal names, and food items. He now turns his attention to the titles of some classic and popular literature!
In looking through lists of such books, El has found an unusual, and possibly unique, subject of humor. Some books look as if they could be sequels to other books, just by their titles. The connection might be a semantic one, or a seemingly topical one, or one that places the title of the first book in a totally different context. The result is a level of merriment that has come to be associated with El's humor.
For example, the sequel to "Lord of the Flies" could well be "Born to Play Ball" by Willie Mays, "flies" having the meaning of fly balls and not annoying insects. Or a sequel to "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett might well be "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. Readers are encouraged to try their own hands at this new "art form!"
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About the Author |
El McMeen is a humorist, a musician, and a Christian minister. His specialty is the "3 M's:" ministry, music, and mirth. He lives in New Jersey. |