Growing Up in God's Country, Part 2: Still Growing!
by El McMeen
110 pages
El McMeen is a musician, a minister, and a humorist. He loves the three M’s: music, ministry, and mirth. This sequel to El's memoir from 2018, "Growing Up in God's Country." bursts with God-at-work moments in all three “M” areas.
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About the Book
El McMeen is a renowned musician, a Christian minister, and a humorist. His passions include the “three M’s” -- ministry, music, and mirth. Those three subjects reign in this Volume 2 to El's acclaimed memoir from 2018, "Growing Up in God's Country."
The earlier book starts with El's birth (and a disability: cerebral palsy) and takes the reader on a captivating ride to what El characterizes, with a chuckle, as his "early dotage." This book covers the ensuing six years, during which “God-at-work moments” explode in all three “M” areas.
Miracles, surprises, and delights spring up in this book. El’s tone ranges from breezy to serious, from humorous to introspective, from self-deprecating to evangelistic. El gives God the credit for the miracles in his life, and for the doors God has opened for him. He encourages readers to recognize the doors that are being opened for them, and to charge through them!
What a joy to find in these pages the hidden recesses of a fascinating life. Most people think their real lives end with retirement, but El shows the surprises and joys that are still in store. This book is both a hoot and an inspiration.
- Mike Aquilina, St. Paul Ctr. for Biblical Theology
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About the Author |
El McMeen is a humorist, a musician, and a Christian minister. His specialty is the "3 M's" ministry, music, and mirth. He lives in New Jersey. |