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THE PROMISE by Suzanne Pollock


by Suzanne Pollock

18 pages
The Promise brings to life an ancient promise God made to the prophet Jeremiah. Two young shepherd boys witness The Promise being fulfilled.

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Category: Fiction:Children:Christian
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About the Book
The Promise by Suzanne Pollock invites the reader to live a night of adventure that the world now views as a forever night. Isaac and Jacob, two young shepherds take us with them to relive their night duty in the hills above Bethlehem. Guarding their flock of sixty ewes and lambs is a dangerous challenge on a regular night, but this night is a terrifying surprise. The brothers don’t understand what they are seeing, so have to depend on one another, and work to keep themselves and the sheep alive. On this confusing, but beautiful night the reader will see the story their Grandfather told them come to life in The Promise.


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About the Author
Suzanne Pollock is a retired music teacher who still loves to create. Suzanne discovered often that her students took away from the classroom many valuable lessons that weren’t on the lesson plans, so these life skills are now part of her written creation as she combines fiction and facts. Suzanne thanks her readers for their encouragement.



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