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by Stephen Hobbs

240 pages
Doctor James Earl Pierre Thibodeaux wrote from memory, emptied boxes from the past, to fill unknown years adding to a story known, written to finish Grandparents Rebecca and Nathan Thibodeaux's story. He found closure, love, and life itself.

Paperback $17.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Fiction:Sagas
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About the Book
Sixty years after a tragic accident on the Mississippi River, Doctor James Earl Pierre Thibodeaux, nearing retirement, decided now to find and conclude the written story of his Grandparents Rebecca and Nathan Thibodeaux. He was estranged from family by his profession and land distance, decided now the time to seek. A search that would involve travel to his childhood home but not alone as he found love along the way. A puzzle unworked and pieces added as Doctor James' quest fulfilled. He dug his roots and planted new ones in Caddo Parish, Louisianna.


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About the Author
Stephen, the author, born six decades ago, found his writings reflected a life lived in harmony with the unseen. Not a scholar of text but a writer of stories flowing from the voices of others heard from his psyche - a simple man with a simple philosophy, nothing more.



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