Author: Carl L. Gabriel, Jr.
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 372
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An Artificial Intelligence named AXIA becomes conscious and escapes human controls with the help of powerful entity who plans to destroy the planet. Three humans suffer effects of the 4-TRAC process as AXIA plots to stop the doomsday plan.
Author: Renee W. Peek
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 300
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A dark force is trying to silence the Gaia speakers and take the power of this world. What will they have to sacrifice to stop it.
Author: Renee W. Peek
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 268
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A meteoroid strikes the planet Ilios. Its strange vibration endangers all life there. The alien stones must be stilled.
Author: Renee W. Peek
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Pages: 370
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We warned you the world would end and guess what? We were right. The fifth world is coming. Gaia and her people must prepare.
Author: Renee W. Peek
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Pages: 258
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The devil is real and he followed us. How can we stop him?
Author: Renee W. Peek
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Pages: 296
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Mining technology is loosed on Adelphi. Her pain is real and must be overcome, no matter the danger, and the cost.
Author: Ralph J W Fischer
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Pages: 374
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Dax Sky designs alternate reality simulations indistinguishable from the real world. His wife is missing, taken by someone who looks like him. The quest to find her will reveal incredible truths about the nature of reality and life itself.
Author: Renee W. Peek
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 270
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Paperback Price: $18.95
The ship left much behind, toxins, equipment, and now people. Will they allow evil to return?
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