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A Sailor Remembers by Benny Hornsby

A Sailor Remembers

by Benny Hornsby

208 pages
A Collection of Newspaper Articles Dealing With Naval Subjects

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Category: Autobiography
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About the Book
This book is a collection of 50 articles which have appeared occasionally in the Hattiesburg American (MS) newspaper over the past five years (2010-2015).
The author appeals to a wide range of individuals who are interested in travel, history, and military affairs.
The articles are positive in tone, often humorous, and always insightful into the human condition.
Those who are veterans of the armed forces are especially able to relate to the experiences shared by the author, drawing upon his long career in the Navy and Marine Corps.


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About the Author
Benny Hornsby Benny J. Hornsby served 36 years on active duty in the Navy and Marine Corps. He then taught in college for 20 years, recently retiring as Chair of the Psychology Department at William Carey University in Hattiesburg, MS.
He is a Vietnam veteran, spent over 20 years at sea, and visited over 100 foreign countries.



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