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Christine's Philosophical Journey to San Diego - 2018 edition by Frank Kyle

Christine's Philosophical Journey to San Diego - 2018 edition

by Frank Kyle

1148 pages
A young woman’s philosophical Journey leads to San Diego.

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About the Book
Christine’s Philosophical Journey – San Diego is a story about a young woman who is seeking understanding but also fleeing a troubled past. In Eve-like fashion guilt drives Christine from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to San Diego, California, where she hopes to find refuge and to restore her shattered life. A terrible revelation has defiled the person she thought she was and forced her to leave behind the people she feels she betrayed. The person she once was seems a stranger to her. Unable to return home she must rediscover and recreate herself in order to find a way forward if she is to move on with her life. For the time being the thought of returning to the home and people she loves is unbearable.

Attempting to distance herself from the awful truth revealed to her by her mother, Christine discovers that it is inescapable. The truth is what it is. She discovers as well that for years she has lived a lie, yet how many other lies were there? However, the truth that forces her to forsake her home also offers some salvation—the realization that her understanding of herself and her world is incomplete. With this knowledge Christine sets out to discover who she truly is. This becomes her quest, which will require her to reevaluate her old beliefs by discovering new ideas and new ways of viewing the world and its inhabitants.

At first the quest for the truth was not her intention, but in her new home Christine finds herself among strangers who become mysterious objects of affection and fascination. They will be the matrix of her rebirth. Once again Christine will have to make sense of a world that has become new and strange to her. Coworkers, friends, and an old philosopher fisherman will help her on her path of rediscovery.


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About the Author
Frank Kyle received his doctorate in English from the University of Northern Colorado and holds graduate degrees in philosophy and psychology. His books include Su Casa Es Mi Casa, Freddy’s Freaky American Life, Tatiana, Christine’s Philosophical Journey to Paris, and The Sun Also Rises and the Post-Narrative Condition.



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