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Treason: A Novel - Second Edition by Anthony Genualdi

Treason: A Novel - Second Edition

by Anthony Genualdi

150 pages
A U.S. Army colonel gathers officers to overthrow the president.

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Category: Fiction:Suspense
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About the Book
Colonel Anthony Nehring sees the U.S. being let to dictatorship by an autocratic president. As an instructor at the U.S. Army War College, he knows who can help him, and gathers recent graduates of his class, including the first woman to command an airborne brigade, to bring about the downfall of the American leader.

Treason takes us through the gathering storm, and show the efforts of both the plotters and the government men who try to stop them.

Whatever happens, be it success or failure, the world will hold its breath!


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About the Author
Anthony Genualdi Anthony Genualdi uses his fascination with military affairs to craft this tale of intrigue. He lives and works in Scottsdale, Arizona for a healthcare financing company.



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