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The Bombardier, Second Edition by Anthony Genualdi

The Bombardier, Second Edition

by Anthony Genualdi

58 pages
A Jewish-American officer tries to escape from Nazi Germany in 1943.

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Category: Fiction:Military
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About the Book
"Bombs away!" Usually, that means a mission is halfway over. For one man, it's just the beginning. The Bombardier is the story of Captain Rosen of the U.S. Army Air Forces. He is shot down over Nazi Germany in 1943, the country he had escaped from six years before. As a Jew, he knows he must not be caught. He makes his effort to escape, and finds treachery at every turn. He must also endure a staggering air raid that brings him to the edge of death. Any mistake can be fatal, but Rosen will do what must be done, and knows that if he fails, he must take a lot of Nazis with him.

Join one man's quest to escape to freedom. Follow The Bombardier!


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About the Author
Anthony Genualdi Anthony Genualdi uses his fascination with World War II and knowledge of Nazi Germany to create this book. His previous works include, Treason: An Novel, Face To The Sun, and 638 regiment. He lives in Scottsdale, AZ, where he works for a healthcare financing company.



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