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Death Cruise by Dan Anderson

Death Cruise

by Dan Anderson

242 pages
A Los Angeles PI investigates cruise ship and Caribbean murders.

Paperback $16.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Fiction:Mystery
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About the Book

Winner of the Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Award—First Place, Mystery

Royal Dragonfly Book Award, Mystery-2nd Place

Chauncey McFadden, a Los Angeles PI, receives a frantic phone call from the president of a Miami-based cruise line. Two employees have been killed in port and Chauncey is hired to solve the crime and prevent further atrocities. The portly, wisecracking Chauncey has limited homicide experience, but naively accepts this job thinking it will be little more than a free vacation. However, things quickly fall apart as the body count climbs onboard ship and in Caribbean island ports of call. A shipment of drugs being smuggled into Miami disappears from the ship before its delivery which unleashes a vengeful vendetta upon everyone in its path.

This riveting, fast-paced story includes a secret drug-smuggling cartel with voodoo roots that deals with its enemies in vicious, ritualistic fashion, an aging silver screen legend who harbors a lethal secret,and is not what he appears to be, a corporate takeover artist stymied in his recent attempt to seize control of the cruise line, and an international assassin for hire who evades prosecution with a novel approach to murder.

From Jamaica, Curacao, Venezuela, Barbados, Martinique, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Dominican Republic, Chauncey barely escapes three attempts on his own life and muddles through a maze of murder to solve not only his original homicide assignment, but a host of other crimes as well.

Death Cruise is a serious, literate mystery written in a humorous vein. It soars in originality and entertainment value, and has been cited for being more than a great mystery — great fiction as well. Death Cruise continues the escapades of an improbable protagonist who, despite his homicide inexperience, manages to thwart attempts on the lives of himself and others to achieve justice, and personal and professional redemption. Death Cruise won the Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Award — First Place Published Mystery 2008 Award — Royal Dragonfly Book Award, Mystery-2nd Place


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About the Author
Dan Anderson Dan Anderson is a former executive with one of the world’s largest financial services companies, and a Vietnam veteran who served with the Americal Infantry Division. He retired and now writes full time. His two novels, Bad Vibrations and Death Cruise, have won multiple literary awards.



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