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Burned-Out in Brooklyn: An Eddie Lombardi Mystery by Douglas DiNunzio

Burned-Out in Brooklyn: An Eddie Lombardi Mystery

by Douglas DiNunzio

306 pages
Eddie Lombardi's in trouble again -- at Coney Island!

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Category: Fiction:Mystery
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About the Book
When Brooklyn shamus Eddie Lombardi saves deadbeat gambler Johnny Temafonte from a beating, he’s just being a good neighbor. And he has no interest in helping the kid further until he meets Johnny’s pretty sister Laura. But when Eddie tries to settle Johnny’s accounts with some of Brooklyn’s most notorious gambler kingpins, things start to heat up –- literally. As if Johnny’s not enough trouble, Eddie’s dimwit friends Tony and Angelo have sent him on a mission of mercy for a carny freak show troupe being brutalized at Coney Island. Are the two missions one and the same? Does the priest pray in church?

Eddie knows he can’t tackle this one alone, so he enlists the aid of Liam O’Rourke, an eccentric shamus from the wilds of Canarsie with a penchant for making up off-color limericks. His old reliable, Watusi, also signs up. Their services will be sorely needed, because there’s an even more deadly element in the mix: a mysterious Mr G., who seems to be pulling the strings. Finding who he is, where, and what he's up to before it’s too late, is almost more than Eddie and company can handle.


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About the Author
Douglas DiNunzio is the pen name of a former middle-school teacher and librarian now happily retired in sunny California. His Eddie Lombardi books (so far) are Jazzed-Up in Brooklyn, Hot-Wired in Brooklyn, and Burned-Out in Brooklyn.



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