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The Unholy Legacy of Abraham by Gerald Woerlee

The Unholy Legacy of Abraham

by Gerald Woerlee

348 pages
How body function explains belief in religion and the supernatural

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology:Afterlife
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About the Book
Why do people believe in the reality of an intangible, invisible human soul, and a life after death?

Are near-death experiences and the paranormal truly proof of the reality of an invisible supernatural world coexisting with this world?

What are the consequences of living strictly according to the literal wording of the eternal laws of God as revealed in the Torah, Bible, and Koran?

Why do people believe in the miracles, the wonders, and the tenets of the Torah, Bible and Koran?

The Unholy Legacy of Abraham reveals how selective observation, combined with the functioning of the human body and natural laws, generate belief in, and apparently prove the immaterial reality of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In addition to this, an analysis of the holy texts of these religions reveals that strict adherence to the holy laws of these religions would require the deaths of at least 70 per cent of all people in North America and Europe. Furthermore, readers are told how the Koran explains the stagnating American and Russian space programs, why the ministry of Jesus was flawed, how Noah and Moses proved the imperfection of God, and why Joan of Arc was burned alive for wearing trousers.

The Unholy Legacy of Abraham is a unique discussion on the fundamental basis of why we believe in the immaterial reality preached by all religions, as well as addressing many matters avoided in many current discussions on religion. All this is presented in the form of easily understood dialogues between a skeptical physician and a naïve theology student whose beer and wine lubricated discussions are set against a backdrop of the canals, parks, and cafés in the ancient Dutch university city of Leiden.


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About the Author
Gerald Woerlee was born and raised in Western Australia, and now lives in the Netherlands where he has worked for many years as an anesthesiologist. Aside from his fascination with the ways body function explains near-death experiences and confirms religious beliefs, he also enjoys B-grade movies, travel, and wine.



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