Body, Mind and Spirit
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Author: Dick Dorworth
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 132
Ebook Price: $4.99
Paperback Price: $15.95
This book is filled with perspectives of what it means to be a modern engaged Buddhist in the 21st century, encouraging and hopefully helping the world to walk the Eightfold Noble Path.
Author: Laura Lander
Format: Paperback
Pages: 326
Paperback Price: $19.40
The recounting of a midlife path toward wisdom and oneness.
Author: Patricia Gottlieb Shapiro
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 122
Ebook Price: $5.99
Paperback Price: $14.99
YOGINI is the first book to explore what yoga means to older women through the personal stories of ten women, who range in age from 63 to 85. Their fascinating experiences reveal why yoga is so compelling, so necessary and so gratifying as they get older. And how they evolve in mind, body and spirit at an age most believe they are done growing.
Author: Jeffrey Webber
Formats: Ebook | Paperback
Pages: 218
Ebook Price: $3.99
Paperback Price: $16.95
Let's welcome aging! It's important to realize that aging offers new opportunities for growth and development, additional chances to pursue happiness, and more time to live a better life.
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