EQ is for EVERYONE: A look at how emotional intelligence benefits all of us. It includes the S.M.A.R.T. Approach to EI and the EI Hierarchy - Second Edition
by Hank Clemons
156 pages
When asked, "Who is emotional intelligence for?", the most often answer is, "Emotional Intelligence is for leaders." This book attempts to clear up that misbelief by expanding it to followers and a variety of occupations as well.
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About the Book
This book has been written to answer the question when it comes to emotional intelligence, “Who’s it for?” Over the years, since emotional intelligence has made its way back into the mainstream, hundreds of books have been written on the topic. I, for one, am glad to see this level of interest in what is sometimes seen as a “warm and fuzzy” topic. This perception is slowly changing.
Most of the writings focus on “leaders” or “leadership” and their need to be or use emotional intelligence. But, is that where it stops? Does it “hit the wall” at leaders and leadership? Of course not. It doesn’t matter what’s your occupation or level in the organization, having well developed emotional intelligence (more on this later) is an asset. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to be employed at all! You can be a stay at home mom, dad, student or someone in transition.
This book attempts to communicate that emotional intelligence is for everyone – not just leaders. Your specific occupation or position in life may not be mentioned but the concepts and techniques can be universally applied.
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About the Author |
Hank Clemons, PhD, CEIC, CHt is Founder & CEO of the Society of Emotional Intelligence, President of the HLC Group and an Executive Emotional Intelligence Coach to leaders and organizations. Hank is a Training Partner of MHS (Multi Health Systems) where he certifies individuals in the use of the EQ-i 2.0 – the most widely used validated assessment on emotional intelligence in the market today. He is an author and speaker and has published books on both emotional intelligence and diversity. He has served on the faculty at several academic institutions in California and Florida. He is also the host of the “Dr. Hank Show”, a weekly podcast on emotional intelligence and related topics. |