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21 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence - A Practical Approach by Hank Clemons

21 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence - A Practical Approach

by Hank Clemons

134 pages
This book is about taking it from the page to the stage

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Category: Body, Mind and Spirit
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About the Book
The key skills of emotional intelligence can be learned by anyone, at any time. There is a difference, however, between learning about emotional intelligence and applying that knowledge to your personal and professional life. Just because you know you should do something doesn't mean you will—especially when you become overwhelmed by stress.

After reading this book, select one, only one of the 21 ways to increase your emotional intelligence. After selecting the one you want to implement, use than action plan found in the last section or create an electronic one of your own using a similar format.

This book offers 21 ways that you can work on your emotional intelligence so that you can begin to make a difference in your situation. Although each of the skills can help you in some way, you may find some skills more important than others, depending on your current situation.


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About the Author
Hank Clemons, “Dr. Hank”, is the founder and CEO of the Society of Emotional Intelligence. He is a Training Partner of MHS (Multi Health Systems) and facilitates EQ-i 2.0 certification workshops. He is also the President of the HLC Group, a management consulting firm. Hank is a certified Emotional Intelligence coach and offers coaching worldwide.



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