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Warrior Bride: Building Women of Strength by Rusty A. Lang

Warrior Bride: Building Women of Strength

by Rusty A. Lang

286 pages
Warrior Bride: Building Women of Strength deals with issues women face today from a biblical perspective exhorting women to come up higher in the things of God. Exploring inspiring, motivational stories of women from the past in the Word and incorporating testimonies, anecdotes, illustrations and prophecies from NOW women.

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About the Book
There is none of the fluff and bubble superficiality that keeps women grounded in the milk of the Word in Warrior Bride: Building Women of Strength. Nor is it a ‘how to' manual but challenging, inspiring and instructive, leading women onto a higher plane functioning out of their spirit instead of their soul.

It is a powerful evangelistic tool in the hands of women of faith, emphasising we are all equal in the eyes of God.

It explores stories of women from the Word and incorporates testimonies from NOW women, laced with the spirit of prophecy throughout. These women lead from behind with the heart of lionesses.

As in all society, some biblical women were on the Lord's side, some fell into Satan's clutches, others worshipped idols. Some, all we know of them is their cultural heritage. We can learn a great deal from these women, both good and evil.

Each chapter is named after a stone in the foundation of the heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:19-20). These stones reflect the spirit of many hidden women of God's Word and life today.

These brave women of quiet strength are the foundation for faith in the heaven that awaits believers.


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About the Author
Rusty A. Lang Rusty A. Lang is the author pseudonym for Marlene Anne Morphew. Schooled in brokenness, Marlene has served the Christian church internationally over 40 years. Her passion is for people to be released into the Kingdom of God, living a natural supernatural life for Jesus Christ. Living in Australia she can be followed on Facebook and through a regular blog on her website Her autobiography, Good Things Take Time: Metamorphosis of a Damaged Soul and subsequent publications Timeless Treasures: Digging for Gold Daily, Hour of the Owl: Living Life with Wisdom and Warrior Bride: Building Women of Strength can be ordered directly from her website in Australia or internationally.



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