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HOUR OF THE OWL: Living Life with Wisdom by Rusty A. Lang

HOUR OF THE OWL: Living Life with Wisdom

by Rusty A. Lang

230 pages
Practical wisdom to motivate Christians towards a natural supernatural life.

Paperback $16.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Religion:Christianity
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About the Book
Hour of the Owl is packed with practical application of God’s wisdom to motivate Christians towards a natural supernatural life.

Each chapter includes an ongoing fictional allegory. Set in rural Australia it is easy to digest and relate to. This story is interspersed with solid truth wisdom teaching of the Word of God and thought provoking optional questions for deeper study for individuals or small groups.

The combination of story, teaching and study allows the reader to choose how you handle the book. In this way it can be visited and revisited often and suitable for a variety of ages and discipleship purposes.

The reader will be swept along with the wisdom oozing from a wise grandfather and over flowing to his insatiably curious grandson. Read how other relationships and various influences interrupt their day to day harmonious existence.

Follow the grandson from infancy to adulthood. Walk with these two characters as the younger deals with teenage angst, marriage and fatherhood from 1989 until present day in an Australian environment and culture.

Observe the relational style of the grandfather and how the younger meets challenges and trials with its heartaches and joys. Watch as the Holy Spirit exposes his heart and transforms his spirit.

Culminating in an unexpected surprising destiny direction, this story will leave you wanting more.

Unfold some of the mysteries and understand the place of Old Testament wisdom literature within biblical context. Search into New Testament wisdom passages. Discover how to acquire wisdom and why it is necessary.

Examine what happened to common sense. Find the answer to the question does God suffer fools and the difference between worldly and godly wisdom. Enter into the marriage between prophecy and wisdom. Explore ancient sages and seers and encounter modern prophetic seers.

Take a glimpse into the future new move of God anticipated.

Hour of the Owl fills a void between the shallow and superficial and the deeper theological treatises providing the reader with a smorgasbord of Christian literary tastes on wisdom. It will prepare people for the turbulent times ahead as believers look to the return of their bridegroom, Jesus Christ and the older generation will be teaching and guiding the new into all wisdom.

As a discipleship tool on the subject of wisdom Hour of the Owl has no equal.


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About the Author
Rusty A. Lang Rusty A. Lang – Gifted preacher and speaker, ministering with the spirit of prophecy. Schooled in brokenness with 40 years of international ministry. Rusty desires to see the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ be restored under the foundation of apostles and prophets and believers living a natural supernatural life.



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