Timeless Treasures: Digging for Gold Daily
by Rusty A Lang
464 pages
Digging for gold in the Word of God daily.
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About the Book
Christianity worldwide is on the brink of massive change.
The author attempts to present material to prepare Christian believers to examine their lives in the light of the true gospel of Jesus Christ and consider changes that need to be made to hear and follow the Holy Spirit in these times of transition.
God is doing a new thing, not new to him but to people globally and the traditional man-made structures are being toppled to make room for the new movement of the Holy Spirit in this hour. Bringing the reader back to the foundational structure of the first congregations with the apostles and prophets leading the way, followed by evangelists, pastors and teachers as in Acts and later reinforced by apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:11-16.
Bold and challenging, even controversial at times, Timeless Treasures: Digging for Gold Daily by Rusty A Lang uncovers and exposes a variety of doctrinal myths and faith issues while bringing the truth of the scriptures into focus.
It takes the reader through a compilation of 366 one page Dailies incorporating ageless anecdotes, a potpourri of inspirational reliable quotes, personal illustrations, dreams, and visions, supernatural encounters with the Lord, journal jottings and biblical exploration gleaned over the author’s 40 years of international ministry service to the Lord.
Following after the success of her autobiography, Good Things Take Time: Metamorphosis of a Damaged Soul, Rusty gleans from her own life’s testimony which heavily influences the Daily subject topics.
Current, relevant and thought provoking, covering abuse, bullying, depression, addictions, gambling, healing, martial arts, persecution, prophecy and spiritual realities. Interspersed with encouraging Dailies on subjects concerning acceptance, healing, breaking habits, receiving blessings and promises, seeking comfort, restoration, strength and wholeness for instance. Also dealing with current doctrinal issues including Israel and end times, Jesus of today and the Holy Spirit’s role in change.
Answering such questions about falling under the Spirit, the effect of speaking in tongues to change atmospheres, why we experience exuberant worship and the need for re-establishing biblical foundations. Does God condone tattoos, homosexuality, same-sex marriage and abortion? What about martial arts, discerning voices and dealing with difficult people?
Timeless Treasures aims to propel the reader into a deep intimacy with the Holy Spirit of God towards revival and reformation: to live a holy natural supernatural life pleasing to their Saviour, Jesus Christ, and stimulate deeper study of the Word of God.
The author’s instruction from on high was to not just be a thermometer, indicating the principles of the Word, but be a thermostat and turn the heat up with the spirit of prophecy evident throughout.
Once embraced these Daily studies will promote a paradigm shift to set aside religious traditions to go forward into what the Holy Spirit is bringing to the Ecclesia in these last days.
This adventure of self-discovery begins on the first page leaving readers hungry for more intimacy with a loving, living God through his Spirit and serve to prepare the bride for the coming of the bridegroom.
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About the Author |
Schooled in brokenness, Rusty has served the Christian church internationally over 40 years. A gifted teacher of the Word of God with an insatiable appetite to know her Saviour, her passion is for people to be released into the Kingdom of God, living a natural supernatural life for Jesus Christ. |