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Goodwill in Small Service Businesses: Negotiating a Fair Price by Michael Sack Elmaleh

Goodwill in Small Service Businesses: Negotiating a Fair Price

by Michael Sack Elmaleh

254 pages
Negotiating a fair price for a small service business.

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Category: Business:Small Business And Entrepreneurs
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About the Book
Businesses such as accountants, veterinarians, barbers, hair stylists and dentists possess goodwill: they have repeat customers they can transfer to a new owner. This book provides a guide to buyers and sellers in setting a value for such firms that is both fair and rational.

The book clearly explains the many problems with existing appraisal methods and develops an alternative appraisal approach rooted in the basic universal concepts of fairness uncovered by behavioral economists such as Kahneman and Tversky. The author’s new appraisal approach also stresses the importance of accurate forecasting of future economic returns to a potential buyers and the need to utilize computer simulations to capture the risks associated with the acquisition of an established service firm

This book will prove very useful to buyers and sellers of smaller closely held service firms as well as business appraisers, attorneys, judges, lenders and accountants. Numerous real world examples are included along with a case study illustrating the application of the author’s new approach.


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About the Author
Michael Sack Elmaleh Michael Sack Elmaleh is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Valuation Analyst with over years thirty five years of accounting and consulting experience. Michael has taught accounting, economics, statistics and mathematics at colleges in Wisconsin and Maryland. He is the author of "Financial Accounting: a Mercifully Brief Introduction".



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