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Granny's Cove by Dr. Paul Chiles

Granny's Cove

by Dr. Paul Chiles

184 pages
The exciting adventures of six children thrown back in time.

Paperback $15.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Historical
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About the Book
Six children are at a beach party on San Juan Island when they are caught by a rogue wave and washed back in time. Two find themselves in old Victoria where they work in the early Empress Hotel. Two land on Sucia Island were they encounter pirates. Two stay on the same beach, but at a much earlier time and become involved in the resolution of a war between the British and Americans.

While searching for each other and for a way back to their own time, the children face many dangers and moral dilemmas through which they always try to do what is right.

The story is placed in the historical context of the little known Pig War in northern Puget Sound. It is presented with a combination of exciting close calls and much tongue-in-cheek humor. It was written for twelve to fifteen year olds, but is enjoyed by readers of all ages and is a fun read-aloud book.


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About the Author
Dr. Paul Chiles Dr. Paul Chiles is a Family Practice Physician and Public Health Officer who has been actively involved in Christian missions and international disaster relief operations for over 25 years. He has served in over 30 countries, often working for Samaritan's Purse or the US Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.



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