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Maniac's Cat by Dr. Paul Chiles

Maniac's Cat

by Dr. Paul Chiles

78 pages
Three children escape the stress of moving to a new town through daydreaming but the daydreams seem to become reality...

Paperback $13.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction
About the Book
This is a fun, fantastic, time-travel story, written for young readers, but enjoyed by people of all ages. Three children escape the stress of moving to a new town through daydreaming but the daydreams seem to become reality. They are caught up in the evil plans of a mad scientist and his cat while working through the ordinary problems of life. The children overcome several morality challenges as they live in their fantasy worlds. Despite the serious theme, the story is a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek adventure that will make you laugh.


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    Rose persevered in faith while being rejected by her family.
  • Granny's Cove by Dr. Paul Chiles
    The exciting adventures of six children thrown back in time.


About the Author
Dr. Paul Chiles Dr. Paul Chiles is a Family Practice Physician and Public Health Officer who has been actively involved in Christian missions and international disaster relief operations for over 25 years. He has served in over 30 countries, often working for Samaritan's Purse or the US Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.



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