Auto-Immune, Acne, & Rosacea Natural Healing, How 'Smart Emotions' Precisely Target Life's Issues & Why
by Georgie Holbrook
120 pages
Identify precisely blocked emotions that cause health challenges and heal.
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About the Book
Identify precisely blocked emotions that cause health challenges. Discover how auto-immune disorders, acne, and rosacea are painful 'smart emotions' crying for help and love. Learn how despite appearances, natural healing can happen. Let this book guide you to healthier relationships/lifestyles, your own spiritual truth, awakening to your life's purpose and hands-on-remedies. Learn from clients' healing stories, how to reclaim your childhood and love your true-self.
As a society, we have been taught to deny our hidden hurts, losses, traumatic events, high pressured stressors, and abuse that we do to ourselves or receive from others. We have choked off our life-force energy, served others until exhausted, joy-less on empty. We can now stop the trial and error anxiety and expensive search for finding physical problems' answers by replacing fear with faith and trusting our bodies to emotionally heal (on their own).
Our bodies don't lie! This book can show you how to begin to treat your emotions as a friend to guide you into a new way of compassionately validating all the ways your sensory body gives you accurate intuitive signals that once understood, corrective action taken, wellness happens. May you embrace your true self with great curiosity for the mystery and mastery that lies within you. It makes sense that as unique as your finger prints are, you are born with a readily available Intelligence that governs your body, mind, and spirit. When in harmony with nature, you can perpetually stay healthy and happy.
Follow each chapter teaching you how to respect your emotions, gut feel or intuition, gifted to you as your lifetime inheritance to accurately guide you. Learn how your 'smart emotions' precisely target your life's issues, not as an error of nature, but intuitively getting your attention to invite in healthier, happier lifestyles! See this book as similar to a holistic insurance policy, knowing how to prevent suffering and protect your future.
The author believes one day soon, we will eliminate most invasive surgeries and mental and physical challenges as we see them for what they are - a call for Love.
Georgie Anna Holbrook is an internationally recognized, gifted empathic healer. She intuitively interprets for others how their disguised emotions show up in mild to extreme health challenges. Many times, she has witnessed these same conditions reverse. One of her passions in life is being a spiritual director, prayer mentor, and author.
Georgie went from having a tragic deforming disease to experiencing in the seventh year the natural steps to totally self-heal. She has since taught these same principles to multitudes of people both nationally and internationally.
She facilitates others to be empowered, live happier lifestyles, find work they enjoy that aligns with their passion, and witness nature by design that rewards them with health and prosperity.
She is the author of Joy-Full Holistic Remedies, How to Experience Your Natural Ability to Heal, and The Rosacea-Acne Natural Remedy. Her books CD's, and DVD's can be found on her Web site: https.//www.Joy-Full.com
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About the Author |
Georgie Anna Holbrook is an internationally recognized gifted empathic healer. She intuitively interprets for others how their disguised emotions show up in mild to extreme health challenges. Many times, she has witnessed these same conditions reverse. Her passions in life are being a spiritual director, prayer mentor, and author. |