How to Believe in Answered Prayers, Growing Deeper Spiritual Roots
by Georgie Anna Holbrook
86 pages
Intentionally create a Prayer Life that attracts what you desire, and learn to stop doubting that your blessings are coming! How to grow deeper spiritual roots by: inviting angels, blessing your spaces, creating a prayer box, living a peace-filled life, and finding your passion. Bonus: Georgie's miraculous visit with Jesus.
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About the Book
Intentionally create a Prayer Life that attracts what you desire, and learn how to stop doubting that your blessings are coming! Receive step-by-step instructions on how to grow deeper spiritual roots by: inviting angels, blessing your spaces, creating a prayer box, living a peace-filled life, and finding your passion.
As a bonus, Georgie shares her personal story, including a bedside visit from Jesus while she was in the hospital. During His visit, Georgie experienced a miraculous healing that baffled the doctors.
Georgie encourages you to live a peace-filled life, give others your overflow of self-love, embrace yourself daily for being a blessing in this world, and practice the prayer examples in this book until you truly know How to Believe in Answered Prayers.
Georgie has learned that there are more angels on earth than there are people. They are always with us, waiting to be asked for their wisdom and help! This book will teach you how to connect with them.
God isn't confused, but sometimes we are, and so we need guidance. We are called to learn a lot from nature. Imagine sitting on a river back overlooking a river. See how it flows in one direction? Imagine that your life training has taught you to go against the natural current - to go upstream, give to others when you're depleted, and pretend you are happy and spiritual when that's not how you truly feel. Over time you may start to feel like your spirit is becoming emptier and joy-less.
While we struggle against the current, the river of our soul is patiently waiting for us to seek nature's way, live our inherent passion, let life be easy, and attract our good to us.
As a society, we have been taught to question when we experience pain, trauma, or grief. We might ask questions like: Where is God, or my Higher Source, in my time of need? , "Why do bad things happen to good people?" , "Why can't my body heal?" , "Why can't my lifestyle improve?" , or "If I was born with a purpose and passion, why is it so hard for me to find it?"
In this book, these questions and many more are answered by seeing your life from a higher, more pure perspective. By doing away with all shame, doubt, and feelings of being violated, you can learn how to move out of self-damaging beliefs, and into becoming your true self.
You will learn how to start treating your body, mind and spirit as though they are your best friends, so that you can connect with Divine Intelligence. You were born with a readily available Intelligence that beats your heart and digest your food - it's what keeps you alive!
You will also discover how to use your intuition as your internal guidance system. If you've ever had a "gut feeling" about something, then you've already experienced your intuition trying to communicate with you. This intuition is real, and needs to be acknowledged.
Each chapter of this book will give you detailed instructions on how to help deepen your spiritual life. May you embrace your true self with great curiosity for the mystery and mastery that lies within you.
Georgie Anna Holbrook is an internationally recognized Blessing Creator, she interprets the emotions behind health issues, along with being a personal and professional guide. She is a gifted intuitive, whose motto is, "I pray up, show up, and then listen up to how I can guide you into a life you love."
Georgie's book radiates that 'answered prayers' are REAL! Because of the abundant praise from her readers about their miraculous experiences, there is abundant evidence that answered prayers exist! Turn UP the VOLUME on YOUR CURIOSITY, read this book, and prove her prayer suggestions for yourself.
- Barbara B. Smith, MA
This book taught me how to pray and how to expect bigger blessings in my personal and business life. I was yearning to have a deeper spiritual fulfilling life and her wisdom guided me to a new level! She is a wonderful teacher for all of us to learn from. Georgie is my angel here on earth.
- Dr. Brian Fennelly, Functional Wellness Consultant
Georgie's book taught me how to pray and envision my good was happening, despite my health issues and complicated divorce. Following her suggestions, my body is rapidly healing and my divorce went better than I could have ever imagined. This book teaches you how to experience answered prayers for yourself. Enjoy -your blessings are on there way!
- Barbara E. Boldt Haden, Elementary Music Teacher, MA
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About the Author |
Georgie Holbrook specializes in spiritual, personal, and professional guidance. She interprets for others the emotions behind health issues. Her services include home and business blessings. Teaching how to believe in answered prayers for healing, health, and happiness. Guiding others how to live their passion.
Georgie is the author of Joy-Full Holistic Remedies, How to Experience Your Natural Ability to Heal, The Rosacea-Acne Natural Remedy, A Recent Discovery On How I Healed and Auto-Immune, Acne, & Rosacea Natural Healing, How 'Smart Emotions' Precisely Target Life's Issues & Why. Her self-healing story has appeared in 23 national magazines, and she has co-authored a song with Rev. Michael Gott (found on YouTube) titled 'A Love to Call My Own.' Her books, CD's, and DVD's can be found on her web site. |