Joy-Full Holistic Remedies: How to Heal Rosacea-acne through Body, Mind and Spirit
by Georgie Holbrook
144 pages
Emotions manifest as physical challenges and can now be reversed.
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About the Book
Holistic Remedies is an empowering book written in unflinching
details about how the author Georgie Holbrook healed a seven year
disfiguring 'incurable' disease which also included near blindness.
This book helps solve the mystery of how an apparent healthy person
suddenly develops a devastating illness and how childhood issues
can be manifested as physical challenges which may appear later
on in life. Most importantly this book describes how this process
can be reversed.
This book is written as a wake-up call for those who have been taught
they don't have time to feel, grieve, nurture themselves, play,
or heal naturally.
Quoting Georgie, "there are not enough surgeries, medications or
addictions to squelch the internal cries of hidden hurts caused
by physical and emotional abuse." Men and women have been taught
that certain body parts aren't needed and can be discarded as a
quick fix to get on with our fast paced lives. When all along our
friendly body acting as a 'messenger' is trying to tell our story
to get our attention, that once understood can re-direct our lives.
Here is a chance to learn how to prevent and heal many if not all
health related issues and thereby find joy-full living.
Georgie Holbrook, will lead you through sixteen chapters of emotional
and physical self-help remedies to re-claim your own inherent ability
to heal. The author doesn't know the words 'can't heal' but encourages
and gives hope to people to believe that they can always heal in
any situation. She further states that nothing is impossible with
God, so 'label yourself brilliantly self-healing' and get ready
to be inspired.
Capturing worldwide attention, her book is an easy-to use guide
to achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
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About the Author |
Georgie Holbrook was told by more than 50 medical doctors and far more holistic health practitioners that she would never heal from the "incurable" disease of Rosacea, which had disfigured her face and brought her near blindness. She developed emotional and physical natural remedies, unrelated to vitamins or herbs that led her to a drug-free cure. |