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The Gift of Inspiration by Debbie Suttman

The Gift of Inspiration

by Debbie Suttman

150 pages
Give up and give in to the inspiration of God

Paperback $14.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Body, Mind and Spirit
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About the Book
As a child and a creation of God you are always and permanently lovable. Let God's love fill you and inspire you to be free to be whole. View all that you do as a way of spreading God's love and all that you have with gratitude and you will find yourself free and inspired.

There will come a day on the journey of self-realization that you will no longer need to be in control of the planning and organizing of your own life. In that moment you will stand knowing that it is time to submit and surrender to God's all knowing and all loving nature and live inspired in your journey to bring to life all God created you to be and become.


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About the Author
Debbie Suttman writes and facilitates to inspire people to rise above what limits and bonds them and keeps them from creating a live they love living. This is her fifth book in The Gifts of Life Series.



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