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THE GIFT OF HEALING: Becoming God's Masterpiece by Debbie Suttman

THE GIFT OF HEALING: Becoming God's Masterpiece

by Debbie Suttman

113 pages
Heal your life from within and find your true nature.

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Category: Body, Mind and Spirit
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About the Book
The Gift of Healing calls us to heal ourselves from the inside out. All healing begins with embracing God’s love for us and knowing that we are lovable and worthy just because we are a creation of an all loving and all powerful God. No exceptions.

Healing is replacing all that we incorrectly believe about ourselves with what God, our creator says is true and perfect about us through the power of learning to love, honor and express our own truth.

For healing, we tend to look to the exterior of our lives, rather than what is within. We look to heal the issues and symptoms affecting our way of living, rather than looking to uncover God’s truth within us.

Many times our way of living conflicts with the beauty that longs to reveal itself from within us. When that happens we are ill of mind, body, heart and soul. Healing requires us to bring out what lies hidden in us, calling us to courageously and completely unearth the reason God created us to live in human form.

In doing so, we must let go of anything we do and believe that is contrary to our true value. We must respect the beauty within us at the sake of the perfection we seek in our world circumstances. God wishes for all of us to be whole and complete beings. He wishes to guide each of us to heal fully so that we can begin to focus on living a fulfilling and inspired life. Trust God to lead you above all else and find what is created beautifully within you waiting to reveal itself in the world.


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About the Author
Debbie Suttman is a writer, facilitator and whole health educator who is passionate about becoming all God has created her to become and in inspiring others to do the same. She is author of The Gifts of Life Book Series.



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