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World Tour:  The Bad Cats See The World! by Bradley Skafish

World Tour: The Bad Cats See The World!

by Bradley Skafish

20 pages
The BAD CATS trot the globe while on the run!

Paperback $12.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Animals:Cats
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About the Book
World Tour: The BAD CATS See the World is the fifth book in the BAD CATS! series.

Our heroes, Iggy and Mick, are invited along on the family vacation -- all the way to Australia! Then a minor brush with the law sends the cats on a world-wide detour! They'll see the world in style, but will they ever catch up to their family? Dig in and see!

The cats scale the Statue of Liberty, elude Interpol at the base of the Eiffel Tower, and terrify the tourists checking out the pyramids. The story is fun and imaginative, but it's also the perfect way to introduce youngsters to numerous world landmarks.

The BAD CATS stress learning through fun, rather than text-book formality, so kids will want their parents to read the stories again and again. Make sure you also pick up the first four BAD CATS adventures - Color Us Bad: The BAD CATS Learn About Colors, Shape Up Or Ship Out: The BAD CATS Learn About Shapes, Outnumbered: The BAD CATS Learn About Numbers, and Red Letter Day: The BAD CATS Learn About Letters.


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About the Author
Brad Skafish is a rock'n'roll musician and trial lawyer in Chicago. More importantly, he is a father who knows how valuable a great book can be to teaching and entertaining youngsters.



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